12 Simple ways to develop trust in your relationship – Part 2

In this blog we will be discussing next 6 (#6-12) simple ways to develop trust in your relationship. If you haven’t read the first 6 topics, first check this blog: 12 Simple ways to develop trust in your relationship – Part 1

7. Stick to your commitments
Commitment failures are big trust-breakers. If you make any commitment, make sure to honor it. I agree that it may not be possible to always fulfill every commitment due to reasons beyond our control. In such cases, it’s better not to make excuses, instead be fair, apologize for it, and clearly tell the reason why you couldn’t make it. And Yes! Try not to repeat such incidents often.

8. Make them as comfortable as possible
Many couples feel “uncomfortable” with each other while discussing sensitive matters like money, or family, or while making some big decisions. Make your partner as comfortable as possible, so that you both pour out your heart and don’t hesitate to discuss anything. Remember! The more comfortable you both feel with each other, the more openness and trust will be developed between both of you.

9. Work as a Tag-Team
There are many activities that you can do together, like doing household chores, babysitting for your children, helping each other with the work you both like to do, shopping together occasionally. The more you work together as a tag team, the more trust will be developed between both of you.

10. Find a Win-Win solution to problems
Any relationship is a two-way commitment. It will work well if both – you and your partner will feel like a “Winner”. If both of you want different things, try to find out a solution that is a Win-Win for both of you. For instance, if you like long drive and your partner likes to have a coffee, you can take your partner on a long drive and you both can have coffee at a street café on the highway.

11. Focus on ‘WE’ more than ‘ME’
This is one of the most useful relationships advice you can ever get. If your partner believes that you count them, they will trust you more.
There are some very easy ways to show that you focus more on relationships rather than thinking only about yourself:
♥ Make Plans (financial plan, family plan, travel plan) together.
♥ Say it’s OURS (money, family, business…) (not only MINE).
♥ Include them in the decision-making process.

12. Give them Credit, they Deserve it
One of the most common complaints people do is – “I did many things for my partner, but I never get the credit I deserve”. Your wife who is cooking meals every day for you and your family, or your husband who is taking care of the business day and night to arrange bread and butter for your family, or your partner is sharing household work with you after returning from office, though tired … In all such cases, your partner needs credit. Make them feel special by giving credit for all the amazing work they are doing for you and your family. It is a very easy, but impactful way of developing love and trust in your relationship.

“Trust” is the major factor in any relationship. No matter how deep you love your partner, if you lack trust in your relationship, love between you will be vanished in no time. Therefore, if you feel lack of trust between you and your partner, you need to do something right away before it starts hampering your relationship.

If you think there could be more ways to develop trust in a relationship, tell us in the comments.


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