12 Simple ways to develop trust in your relationship – Part 1

Trust is the most primary factor in any relationship. If someone says “I Trust You”, it means no less than someone is sayingI Love You”. Any relationship built on the foundation of Trust will be for sure a lifetime relationship.

Now, following two questions that arise here are –
Q1: If there is no trust between you and your partner, can you create or develop it?
Q2: Are there any ways using which you can increase mutual trust between you and your partner?
The answer to both the questions is “Definitely YES!” Everyone can do something to generate, develop, and nourish trust in their relationship.

There are some basic and simple things you need to do to develop trust with your partner. We will be discussing 11 from that list in this series of 2 blogs:

1. Communication
Communication is the key to any relationship. Even if you are dedicated and committed to your relationship, Improper communication can create trust issues between you and your partner. Although communication is a big term and envelops many things in its ambit, doing these two simple acts  can be helpful:

1.1. Share your feelings
Being transparent is vital in any relationship. If you fail to share your feelings, it can be one of the biggest reasons for arising trust issues in your relationship because that way your partner will think that you are not transparent and hiding something from them.

1.2. Listen to your partner
Communication can never be one-way. Just as you want to share your feelings, your partner also needs to vent their feelings. Listening to your partner carefully and respond with empathy would surely do miracles in your relationship and your partner would start trusting you more.

2. Be Responsible
There are possibilities that you can like, love, or marry an irresponsible person, but trust me, you cannot fully trust an irresponsible person. Same way, if your partner feels that you are an irresponsible person, it would always be hovering all over their mind not to trust you completely. Therefore, being responsible is another way of developing trust.

3. Be Consistent
Trust cannot build in a moment; it is developed over a period of time. If you do some good work once, it can lay a foundation of trust for you in your partner’s mind, but the next moment, doing something else may diminish the goodwill you earned through your good work. And Boom! The Trust that was created in you in past is gone! So, doing good work and continue such good work is a good way of developing trust.

4. Spend quality time with each other
You are going on a date with your partner and continuously busy on mobile or looking all around rather than listening to what your partner is saying or you just get a message from your boss and try to end your date ASAP so that you can go and do your assigned work. Doing such things can hamper your partner’s trust in you. You may spend less time with your partner, but spending ‘Quality Time’ is essential to generate trust towards each other.

5. Give each other their personal ‘ME’ time
Yes, spending time together is very much necessary in a relationship, but another necessary aspect of it is to leave your partner alone for some time to let them do some work that they like to do. Everyone needs some break from their regular activities and do what they like to do. Giving each other “ME” time will surely create love, respect, and trust in your relationship.

6. Respect your partner and their loved ones
You love your partner, and your partner loves you. That’s Great! But everyone has some more people in their lives who are important to them. Your partner will definitely trust you more if you give respect to them and also to the people who your partner love or admire (be it their parents, siblings, other family members, relatives, etc.).

If you think there could be more ways to develop trust in a relationship, tell us in the comments.

In this blog we have discussed 6 simple ways to develop trust in your relationship. To read the next (second) part of this blog, click here: 12 Simple ways to develop trust in your relationship – Part 2

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